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Forehead wrinkles


  • Softening of forehead wrinkles
  • High-quality muscle relaxants
  • 45 minutes (consultation and treatment)
  • Always a natural result

Sometimes the wrinkles are only visible with different facial expressions, and sometimes the forehead wrinkles are present permanently. Whatever your situation may be, forehead wrinkles can make you look older. Also, deep horizontal lines on the forehead can give a sad or tired appearance.

At Ageworth, we can quickly and effectively soften forehead wrinkles. Botulinum toxin, also known as muscle relaxants, blocks the nerve signal transmission to the muscles. This makes it temporarily difficult to contract your muscles when you frown or raise your eyebrows, making the lines on your forehead softer and less visible. Our approach is characterized by subtlety and a natural result.

The process
A treatment for forehead wrinkles at Ageworth always starts with a personal intake. One of our doctors will discuss your goals, wishes, and needs before the treatment. What exactly bothers you about your appearance? Is it the forehead wrinkles, or do you want an overall fresher look? Perhaps we will conclude together that a different injectable treatment suits your wishes much better. By listening to you, we will come up with a suitable treatment plan together. The amount of botulinum toxin and the desired result are tailored to your age and appearance, so that we can reveal the best version of yourself with botulinum toxin. If you agree with the treatment plan, the treatment can be scheduled, if desired, immediately after the intake.

The treatment
Every injectable treatment starts with thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting the skin. Then the cosmetic doctor marks the injection points based on the treatment plan. We use a very thin needle to make the treatment almost painless. After the treatment, you will receive extensive aftercare tips, so that you can enjoy your smoother skin for as long as possible. A treatment for forehead wrinkles takes an average of 45 minutes (including intake).

You do not need to recover from a treatment for forehead wrinkles. After this short procedure, you can resume your daily activities. However, your skin may still be red and sensitive due to the injections. To ensure that the botulinum toxin is effective in the desired area, we recommend that you do not lie down, bend over or exercise for the first four hours. Wait at least two weeks before visiting the beautician. UV radiation can cause the treated skin to be damaged more quickly. Therefore, avoid the sun as much as possible and always apply a sunscreen with at least SPF 30. A restorative, nourishing (scar) cream helps the skin recover faster after an injectable treatment.

Duration of Results
The result of a treatment with muscle relaxants is visible for an average of three to six months. The body naturally breaks down the botulinum toxin. How long the effect lasts varies per person and depends on factors such as your skin type and lifestyle. If desired, a follow-up treatment can take place.


  • Softening of forehead wrinkles
  • High-quality muscle relaxants
  • 45 minutes (consultation and treatment)
  • Always a natural result


€ 150,-

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